Have you ever wondered what your life would look like if none of your plans ever worked out? Wonder no longer. When I started studying law, I had hopes of becoming a hotshot corporate lawyer, the unfortunate side-effect of spending much of my time binging Suits instead of actually studying. That was not to be. I finished my degree not having secured articles (aka a training contract elsewhere in the world). But I had done well in my corporate law courses and had decided to take up a masters in the following year, 2017. The intensive curriculum involved lots of reading and close engagement with academic material at a level I hadn’t experienced in my undergraduate years. The small and engaging evening seminars with experienced lawyers and academics made me realise how fun the law could be. I was hooked. I started reading material beyond what was prescribed, cultivating interest beyond just companies and securities law (it wasn’t difficult, as you’d imagine).

Following some encouragement (read bullying) from my friends, I applied for a clerkship at the Constitutional Court (an incredibly selective programme)  and by some miracle got appointed to Justice Madlanga’s chambers. I do not exaggerate when I say that opportunity change my life. I wasn’t particularly interested in constitutional law at the time, but now it’s my bread and butter.

Mind you, I did try my hand at corporate practice. I find corporate law utterly interesting at a conceptual and intellectual level. Unfortunately, it did not work out. I then ventured into public writing about topical issues in constitutional law, which is probably how you got to know of me. That led me to apply for a role at CASAC, an NGO, as their research officer. An absolutely delightful job which is both interesting and impactful. 

The academic bug hasn’t let go of me and I decided to give in when I took up a position at UCT assisting with teaching in constitutional law alongside some pretty big names in the field. I also took up another masters (yes, I abandoned the corporate law one with no regrets) in jurisprudence and constitutional law, working broadly on the topic of informal constitutional change.

None of this was planned. It just kinda happened. But I am glad it did. And that’s my story. I hope it’s enough to make you stick around.

Wanna chat? Email me at info@danmafora.com